Triple & Alchemical Goddess self-study e-course

Session I - The Triple Goddess e-course




In this course, you will get to know the Greek Triple Goddess of Persephone, the Maiden, Demeter, the Mother, and Hecate, the Crone. These three aspects correspond to the stages of a woman's life as well as inner states that a woman cycles through, just like the phases of new moon, full moon, and dark moon.

It is designed so that each week you will explore the energies of one of these three powerful goddess archetypes through the workbook pages that offer journal prompts, divine feminine wisdom and lore, and creative activities, in addition to the rich coursework. You are encouraged to create an altar and images of these goddesses as you work, play, and come to know them. You will enjoy all of the elements of the original e-course including the videos about each goddess archetype, a guided journey to meet your own inner Maiden, Mother and Crone, as well as additional audio files. This is offered as a 22-page full-color PDF file with all the links you need, in addition to the lavishly illustrated 33-page e-book. The many beautiful images of these goddess archetypes found throughout these pages serve to bring Her to life.

Session II - The Alchemical Goddesses e-course







In this course you will be getting to know the goddesses of change from three different cultures: Kali, the Hindu Destroyer, Yemaya, the West African Creator, and Aphrodite the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. All three are powerful and compassionate mother archetypes, whose roots extend back to the Great Mother. They are considered alchemical goddesses because of their ability to affect change within us, to transmute the base elements of our darkest fears and doubts into the gold of our highest potential through the crucible of love and trust.

In this session, you will be taking the journey of Psyche, the mortal woman who had to complete four tasks given to her by Aphrodite to become the goddess. As you move through these four lesson plans, you, too, will have four tasks to complete until you make the final alchemical transformation from mortal to goddess.

You will enjoy all of the elements of the original e-course including the videos about each goddess archetype, three guided journeys to meet each of these powerful goddesses, as well as additional offerings and tutorials. You are encouraged to create an altar and images of these goddesses as you work, play, and come to know them. This is offered as a 37-page full-color PDF file with all the links you need, in addition to the full-color 37-page e-book. There are lots of evocative images of goddess archetypes included in these pages, which bring Her to life.

Order both courses together and save.

Additional self-study e-courses are available!

The Two Marys, Sekhmet & Guinevere

Brigid, Inanna, Artemis, and Cerridwyn

For questions, please contact Stephanie here.

What women have said about the Goddess Temple e-courses:

"I loved taking Stephanie Anderson Ladd's Alchemical Goddess e-course and am still integrating all the goodness it offered.  Stephanie has a wonderful way of weaving Goddess archetypes and mythology into a narrative that is deeply relevant to our modern lives and sense of self.  The writing prompts and creative exercises seemed so simple, but once I actually did them, I felt energetic shifts within. All along the way Stephanie held a loving and safe container for the process and was so helpful whenever there were any questions.  I also had a private goddess guidance session with Stephanie that soothed my soul. She brings a gentle, insightful compassion to her work while still being firmly grounded. I highly recommend all her e-courses and sessions to women who wish to discover their essence through the mirror of the Goddess." - Jo

"I really cannot express how much I loved this course -- it's the best one I have ever taken. Having heard about Goddesses I did not really know how or why to incorporate them into my daily life -- this course showed me the way. Stephanie is a gift and a beacon of light to women seeking wisdom and a way to fill the void they may be feeling in their soul. I can't recommend this course enough -- so much deeper then I had expected. I feel blessed to have shared in this first Goddess circle with such an amazing group of women." ~Michele

"One element that made this course unique was the workbook. It's thoughtfully written and beautifully designed, and I know that I'll be working with it long after the e-course has ended." - Jessica

"I found [Stephanie's] generous and gentle presence an embodiment of the Goddess. The way that we gather together as a circle of women and share our paths to [the Divine Feminine], taking time to work with our hands to make her visible in our day... all of this brought the story of the Goddess to life in a very beautiful way." - Jane

"There is a real lack of this kind of knowledge and learning in our culture, and like so many of us, I am thirsting for it - - now more than ever in my life. As I go through some major life changes, the Goddess work has become my Source, and the guide to my journey home. This course peeled back the layers, allowing me to go deep, while keeping me safe and lighting the way." - Kristen